
Food 20 Reasons Why We Should Use Cinnamon Every Day

Food 20 Reasons Why We Should Use Cinnamon Every Day

Cinnamon contains high levels of antioxidants, and its oil has strong antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It is a good source of magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium and as such can be used as a cure for many diseases such as arthritis, high cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, increase energy and improve cognitive function, toothache, bad breath, headaches …

Here are 20 reasons why we should use cinnamon in our daily meals and drinks:

Lower cholesterol.

Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol. You can mix in yogurt, morning porridge flakes or pudding. To lower your cholesterol, simply take one teaspoon of powder daily or put in your coffee or tea.

Control of blood sugar

Several studies have shown that cinnamon can regulate the blood sugar, or affect its reduction. Therefore, it is excellent for people suffering from type 2 diabetes and also encourages the body to naturally wear fat and reduce weight.

Fungal infections

Cinnamon has an amazing effect on those persistent fungal infections that many times have shown a resistance to common medication.


One US study showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and cancer cells.


This spice is also effective against blood clotting.


In a study conducted by the University of Copenhagen, patients who every morning before breakfast take half a teaspoon of cinnamon combined with a teaspoon of honey, after a week experienced a significant reduction in pain caused by arthritis, and after a month they were able to walk without pain.

The antibacterial effect

Cinnamon is actually a natural preservative and when added to food slows the growth and development of bacteria. Because of its bactericidal properties can also be used as a natural preservative. Anti-microbial properties of cinnamon are so strong that recent research shows that this spice can be used as a replacement for traditional preservatives. A study published two years ago in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, showed that the addition of a few drops of essential oil on carrot soup prevents the growth of pathogenic organisms in food for 60 days. The soup without adding cinnamon, have evolved pathogenic organisms despite keeping it in the fridge.

Brain health

One study found that the scent of cinnamon stimulates cognitive function and memory. It has been shown that it helps with stress and memory loss. Smelling cinnamon can improve brain function and mood. For these purposes, it is best to use the essential oil.

E. coli

Researchers from the University of Kansas found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria that usually hides in unpasteurized juices.


The spice is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium.

Helps with inflammation and infection

Cinnamon has a proven and antioxidant activity, compared with six spices also contain antioxidants (anise, ginger, licorice, mint, nutmeg and vanilla) proved to be most effective precisely cinnamon and mint.

Suppresses the spread of leukemia and lymphoma

proven by a research conducted by scientists at the US Institute for Agriculture.

Relieves indigestion

Support the function of the digestive system.

Helps in weight loss

If you want to lose excess weight, try a combination of honey and cinnamon: Mix a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a 200ml. lukewarm water. Divide the portion into two parts: the first drink in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast and another half an hour before going to sleep. You’ll see the result after two weeks.

Relieves rheumatic pains

Relieves menstrual cramps

Preventive effect on the development of dental caries and gum disease

Cinnamon is often used in chewing gum, because it is a good refresher and removes bad breath, which is also commonly caused by bacteria.

Help with urinary infection

Relive toothache

Mix cinnamon with honey and put the paste on the sore spot several times during the day.

Cough medicine

Place a cinnamon stick in boiling water and allow to cook for about two minutes. Remove the stick and use the water to make any tea. Drink it twice a day.


– There are investigations that have shown that cinnamon contains coumarin substance which in large quantities can cause kidney and liver damage.

– You must be careful with the use in combination with aspirin because they have the same effect against blood clotting.

– You should be careful with the use of large quantities during pregnancy.

Source: Naturalnews

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